Saturday, November 6, 2010

So close, and yet still a little far

Day: #6
Word count: 7,711

Admittedly, I needed to be at 10K by today. Meaning tomorrow I need to be at around 11,670-ish. Meaning between waking up and DnD (yes, I actually finally joined a game... still kind of on speculation, though) at 7:00 I have just under 4K to write. I'm not where I want to be, but I'm further along than I was expecting.

I stayed up on day #5 (Friday) until about 1:30 in the morning. Hence the lack of end-of-day blog, which I figured would happen (hence my preemptive, hedgehog of determined cuteness post). It's the latest I've been up, for a writing related reason, in a long time. Exhausted though I was this morning, I felt pretty damn good.

However, at the moment, I don't feel that great at all. I've had way too much coffee that has not helped to keep me awake and writing, but rather has given me a profuse headache. So tomorrow I think it will be water and the occasional cup of decaffeinated tea. I've spent my whole Saturday hunched over my computer, furiously typing away.

My mother brought something to my attention, so I figured I would throw it out there to anyone else still reading. If you want to read my NaNo, you are welcome to. But I have a few conditions:

1) Kacey (my co-writer and best friend) reads it first, always. Once I have her two cents and I have edited it all together sufficiently, it is open to the general public.

2) If by "wanting to read it," you mean have a fun time with a good story... okay, I accept that. But if you're willing to put in your opinions, offer some suggestions or things you would like to see as a reader, constructive criticism that you can be serious about, I want to hear from you first!

You'll have to wait until the end of NaNo, and you may have to accept that you could be cliff hung considering the novel is actually two NaNo's long. Obviously I'll bring this up again at the end of the month. But for now, just sit back and enjoy the insanity. If there's something I absolutely need help with from you guys, you'll see it here!

In other news, I have added a NaNo mascot. He is merely subbing for my kitty, Apollo, while he stays over for the weekend. His name is Charlie--he belongs to my friend Ash from work. But unlike Apollo, he's not so great about staying out of the way for me to type. And yes, he does have a face hiding under there.

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