Sunday, November 14, 2010

Steampunk revolution

Day: #13
Word count: 11,171

I finally broke 10K. Granted, to be on top of things I need to be another 10K along by the end of tomorrow...

But nevertheless, I broke the 10K mark. I'm a week late in doing so, but it could be worse I guess.

Maybe I'm still catching up on the sleep I lost this week. Maybe I'm just burned out beyond belief, to the point I'm not even fully away of it. But I once again cannot make myself stay up. I just don't have it in me.

But vacation(s) are fast approaching. I get to spend this upcoming weekend with my co-writer and best buddy! Not to mention:

YES!!! It is Harry Potter 7: Pt 1 premier this weekend! Who's got two thumbs and is excited?

*points* This chick.

Still, with any luck some writing will get done. And with her at my side, hopefully she will be able to give a pointer or two when I get caught up.

Not much to say tonight. The title comes from the fact that I am now in Junction City and the town has suddenly gotten a major makeover.

Yes, ladies and gents, I have officially made J City "steampunk." If you don't know what it is, look it up. I did it mainly for the costuming options, which are tres cool. Migel and Quinn (the next two main characters who will be introduced in this town) are also getting some new revamped looks. If I can find some kind of program that allows me to do costume design and then share it online, I will post the new looks once I have a chance.

Needless to say, my brain is ready but my body is unwilling, yet again. But with this new look and feel to Abeo's capitol, I am totally jazzed to explore the city even more! Hopefully 21K will be within shouting distance when I post tomorrow.

Good night moon :)

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